SGI Freeware
Additional Pointers to SGI Freeware

Some freeware didn't make it into our distribution due to various reasons: For your convenience, here are some pointers to some frequently requested SGI Freeware that is not included in the SGI Freeware distribution. You may also want to check Bill Henderson's comprehensive SGI software anon ftp list for further pointers.

Note that the following table includes pointers to external sources that are not affiliated with SGI. Specifically, pointers to cryptographic freeware whose distribution from the US is prohibited by U.S. law.

Click on the install icon to jump to an alternate SGI Freeware site

 CLISP   C LISP implementation Install
 gcc 2.7.2.x   Older GNU C Compiler generating MIPS o32 code (includes as + ld) Install
 perl5   Additional Perl distributions (o32 module compatibility + more) Install
 ssh   Secure shell + remote file copy Install
 xdiff   X11/Motif based file comparator and merge tool Install
 REBOL/core   Internet-native messaging language Install

Absolutely no warrantees for this freeware.
Please email feedback to the respective maintainers.